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Get Your Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 Upgraded to Windows 10

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Get Your Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 Upgraded to Windows 10

With the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft begins to deliver on the vision of personal computing. In the words of Microsoft this is the “new era of Windows” that extends across the broadest range of devices from the smallest to the largest screens.

Windows 10 Start Menu

Windows 10 is a perfect amalgamation of the winning qualities of Windows 7 and Windows 8. It brings the best of both desktop and the touch-screen worlds. This operating system is easy to use with mouse and keyboard and at the same time gets better touch-screen features. It is an operating system that has a fresh feel, yet looks amazingly familiar.

Windows 10 Upgrade Option

The legendary Start menu is back with a bang and Microsoft’s new virtual assistant Cortana and Edge browser infuse new life into Windows.

Windows 10

Microsoft has made sincere attempts to overcome the blunders of Windows 8 which was built for touch computing at a time when people were still using keyboards and track pads. /2015/06/microsoft-windows-10-how-to-get-your-free-copy.html" target="_blank">Windows 8 turned out to be a disastrous experience for users without touchscreens. However, with the launch of Surface tablet and touch-enabled PCs, Windows 8 started making bit of more sense to its users. But the damage was done and Windows 8 had created ruckus among users. It was indeed a humbling experience for the tech giant.

Read more about Microsoft Windows 10

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