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Facebook Contacts Sync

Facebook Contacts Sync - welcome to our blog that presents a very complete information is Tech Phone ok now we will discuss the information you are seeking, may I guess if you are looking for information on Facebook Contacts Sync if properly come please continue reading until the end, we also provide other information, do not forget to get around:

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Facebook Contacts Sync

When you login to facebook using their mobile application, you will see an option asking you to select among these choices.

Sync all (Sync data about all friends to Contacts)
- this would update and add contacts from your facebook friends contacts to your phone book contacts

Sync with existing contacts (Sync data only about friends already in Contacts)
- this would only update contacts from your facebook friends contacts to your phone book contacts

Don't Sync (Use information about friends only in Facebook)
- this won't do anything at all.

After you have chosen your choice, tap the Sync button at the upper right corner.

Articles Facebook Contacts Sync already been discussed

A few information about the Facebook Contacts Sync, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you.

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