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Very Effective Android Battery saver Application..!!!

Very Effective Android Battery saver Application..!!! - welcome to our blog that presents a very complete information is Tech Phone ok now we will discuss the information you are seeking, may I guess if you are looking for information on Very Effective Android Battery saver Application..!!! if properly come please continue reading until the end, we also provide other information, do not forget to get around:

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Very Effective Android Battery saver Application..!!!

Hi All,

Nowadays Android is become most popular OS for mobile. But It has very serious issue that Consume lot of battery.
So here I am giving two most very Effective Android battery saver Application for your Android Mobile.
1.) Green Power free battery saver:-

Click here to Download Green Power free battery saver


- Wifi mgmt: Based on schedule, screen state, power connected, signal level...
- Mobile data mgmt: Based on schedule, screen state, power connected...
- Mobile data mgmt: Either Internal API or APN renaming
- BLUETOOTH (*) mgmt: Based on devices connected or in range, screen state, power etc
- Traffic check: Configurable to prevent disturbing other apps
- Apps Whitelist (*): To keep data on when using specific apps (like music streaming)
- Simple WIDGET (*): To quickly pause or resume
- NIGHT (*) mode fully configurable, Airplane mode...
- Tasker & Locale Plug-in (*)
- Compatible with Cerberus 2.0
- Very lightweight and fast app
- Easy and clean interface
- Fully configurable settings
- Settings backup / restore
- 20 Languages (changeable at run time)
- And more...

- Dedicated Forum for support issues
- Support from the developer. I'm answering each issue.
- Regular updates with bug fixes and new features

2.) Advanced Task Killer:-

Click Here to Download Advanced Task Killer


*Uninstall and reinstall can fix Force Close issue*
*Uncheck 'Advanced Task Killer' from running list to avoid ANR issue*
*Go to menu and send bug report to us if you have any issues*
Advanced Task Killer is also known as ATK. It is a tool to kill applications running.
-Ignore List
-One tap widget
-Auto kill
-Customize item height

ATK is often used to kill app and clean memory. We do suggest people use ATK manually kill apps instead of auto killing app.

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