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Is your system RAM low then use this very helpy trick..!!!!

Is your system RAM low then use this very helpy trick..!!!! - welcome to our blog that presents a very complete information is Tech Phone ok now we will discuss the information you are seeking, may I guess if you are looking for information on Is your system RAM low then use this very helpy trick..!!!! if properly come please continue reading until the end, we also provide other information, do not forget to get around:

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Is your system RAM low then use this very helpy trick..!!!!

Hi All,

Is your system RAM low then use this very helpy trick..!!!!
Follow the steps given below :-

1) Hold down the ‘Windows’ Key and Press the ‘Pause/Break’ button at the top right of your keyboard.
Another way is Right-Clicking ‘My Computer’ and then Select ‘Properties’.

2) Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab.

3) Under ‘Performance’, click ‘Settings’.

4) Then click the ‘Advanced’ tab on the button that pops up.

5) Under ‘Virtual Memory’ at the bottom, click ‘Change’.

6) Click the ‘Custom Size’ button.

7) For the initial size (depending on your Hard Disk space), type in anywhere from 1000-1500 (although I use 4000), and for the Maximum size type in anywhere from 2000-2500 (although I use 6000).

8) Click ‘Set’, and then exit out of all of the windows.

9) Finally, Restart your computer.

10) You now have a faster computer and 1-2GB of Virtual RAM..!

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