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TATA Docomo GPRS Settings SMS & Manually

TATA Docomo GPRS Settings SMS & Manually - welcome to our blog that presents a very complete information is Tech Phone ok now we will discuss the information you are seeking, may I guess if you are looking for information on TATA Docomo GPRS Settings SMS & Manually if properly come please continue reading until the end, we also provide other information, do not forget to get around:

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TATA Docomo GPRS Settings SMS & Manually

GPRS settings for TATA DOCOMO :-
By SMS:-

To subscribe and activate GPRS on TATA DOCOMO
SMS INTERNET to 52270 (toll free on Tata DOCOMO home & chargeable on non DOCOMO Network)
Save the received settings. Default Access Point will be DOCOMOINTERNET APN (Access Point Name).

Manual Settings:- 
Under the 'TATA DOCOMO INTERNET' WAP profile in Settings:
Data Bearer GPRS
Username -Blank
Password -Blank
Homepage -any
Connection Security -Off
Session Mode -Permanent

If you do not have a Nokia and Sony Ericsson phone, you'll need to set your phone manually with these details.Setting Name TATA DOCOMO Internet
Home page any
Session mode Permanent
Connection Security Off
Data Bearer GPRS
IP address :
Authentication type :Normal
Login type :
User name : Blank
Password : Blank

Enjoy Surfing..!!!

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