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Sometimes being lied to for weeks is great fun...

Sometimes being lied to for weeks is great fun... - welcome to our blog that presents a very complete information is Tech Phone ok now we will discuss the information you are seeking, may I guess if you are looking for information on Sometimes being lied to for weeks is great fun... if properly come please continue reading until the end, we also provide other information, do not forget to get around:

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Sometimes being lied to for weeks is great fun...

Hey guys. See /2011/05/let-me-explain-why-i-have-been-absent.html">yesterday's post for an explanation about this video.

In summary this is me being surprised out of my mind by my most favorite guy, who decided to come home on leave from the Air Force, but not tell me he was showing up.

Fair warning, it is a bit of a tear jerk-er. I didn't cry at the time (as my brain had stopped working. The crying you hear is his sweet mom who helped make this all happen by having me show up at her house to "babysit"), but every time I watch it again I kind of get overwhelmed.

the best (and only) surprise of my life from MyNameisNotKing on Vimeo.

Yup. That is surprise at its BEST. I am so blessed.

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